

Monday, November 14, 2011

Week 16 - The pump is on

Coming to the last week of having everything needing to be handed in. The heat is starting to set in. I'm just keeping my head above water, and by the end of this week, I'll be finished my course. They will be sending me out to the media world, uncharted areas. What I will see, I don't know. What I will do, time will tell. It's going to be different that is for sure. Start some little projects using 3D, try new programs and get away from lightwave, as most of the people in 3D try to stay away from it. Maybe head out to see a few gigs and get some photo's happening. Try my luck in getting a job in web design. All I know is everything is going to change.

Web design -CSS - CSS3

Web has been a passion of mine for quite sometime now. I love using the coding in css, changing and tweaking parts to create something awesome and beautiful. There have heaps of sites that i have used when ever I have been stuck. If you are having and trouble trying to work out what to change to get your site looking its best try look this one up it has everything that you need to get the job done.

Time to move on something that is only a few years old but works a treat. Using CSS3 in your CSS style sheet can give your site something that you could only get with flash before. adding motion, making everything pop out at you. Now I love using GoogleChrome and Firefox. Not just because how shit IE is, but how limited everything is when using it. If you want an easy to work generator for CSS3, try these,,

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 14 - Coming to the end of the year

Hey guys. It’s been a few weeks since my last blog. I have been working franticly to try and get all my work completed before I say goodbye to Tafe and get back into the working world.
So far I have been working heaps in Finishing off my CSS Zen garden that we have to edit an HTML spared sheet using only CSS. It’s starting to get there, just having a few tiny problems this ill fix in the next few days. Here is a small preview.

Heading out on Sunday to do some filming, I’m creating a small supernatural type video that will help show off my After Effect skills to create some cool illusions. The main trouble I’ll find is making sure the audio is recorded right on my 550D canon camera.
3D, well what can I say. Character (Steve) completed and bones installed. Just adding weight to each section, then onto to null for the joints and creating a walk cycle.