

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I have been working on a little film for class, and have been using heaps of special effects with them all. I found the best tutorials to use at, everyone of these tutorials I have I have used has worked a treat, with the exception of one. The tutorial called 'Earth Zoom' i found to stop working the way it should when it got halfway through the video and asked to un-parent all the layers from each other and parent them all to layer one, I noticed with mine anyway that all the layers shrunk and messed it all up. So the way I got around this was to not un-parent them. This makes changing the scale of the images 0-100% so much harder as now you will have to go from 0-60,000,000% with the scale. I know that makes it a bit of a pain but thats the way i got around the problem.

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